How QuickQnect™ Works
How QuickQnect™ WorksUse speed, quality, early data, and optimization to reduce your operational costs
Benefits for Everyone
Across the board, Qnect offers substantial “bennies” for Fabricators, Detailers, EOR’s, and Connection Engineers.
- Fabricators:
Reduce your operating costs with Qnect’s 3 optimizations. Reduce material cost, shop hours, doublers, bolts, welds and save $30-$100/ ton (on average) with Preference Optimization, Bolt Optimization and Doubler Optimization. Reduce waiting time for shop drawings, improve factory throughput, revisions and safety.
- Steel Detailers:
Win more bids. With increased speed and capacity, you can do more projects. Strengthen your relationship with your client by bringing Qnect’s optimization value to them; mitigate the negative impact of revisions and reduce shop and field bolts, drilling, tightening…
- Engineers of Record:
Use QuickQnect as your digital infrastructure to deliver fully connected 3D models, extend your design development time, dramatically reduce approval time, increase profits.
- Connection Engineers:
Use QuickQnect to focus on higher margin, complex engineering to increase profit margins, deliver value engineering management and increase capacity while making your customers very happy.
Change Happens. Qnect Has the Answer
Change order requests? Need to revise a job and run it again? No problem. You can re-run all or any part of any job any time. Connect your model, and pay only once. This will not only reduce the cost and stress of change orders, it will minimize the usual delays associated with them.
Get Started Today
We love our customers. Contact a Qnect representative at (413) 387-4375 or use our contact form to set up your account and get started.
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See how QuickQnect works in this comprehensive demo.

Qnect has delivered a unique suite of programs for connection engineering and fabrication efficiency that this industry has long been searching for. Qnect’s software delivers unprecedented value, is surprisingly easy to use and is a must use by anyone in the industry that deals with building steel structures.
— Erleen Hatfield, BuroHappold